Infant Security

The Industry's First RFID Infant Security System

Protecting the Newest Bundles of Joy

Keeping newborns and children safe and ensuring a secure, welcoming environment for families is the most basic function of patient security. It’s also critical to maintaining your reputation as a reliable medical facility. RFT does just that by protecting your smallest patients, giving families peace of mind, and reducing the risk of abduction.

We were the first in the industry with an RFID infant security system, and it has protected countless infants for three decades. Developed by nurses for nurses, RFT’s solution is customizable to your hospital’s unique security needs. Protecting infants and children without interfering with everyday workflow.

Effective Technology

With the SAFE PLACE solution, you are able to have two options for attaching transmitters to an infant. The first is a  small, lightweight umbilical transmitter tag that attaches directly to a standard umbilical clamp. The second is a patented tag worn on an infant’s ankle; secured with soft, comfortable banding.

Following delivery, a nurse activates the transmitter to enroll the infant. Then they can apply the clamp to the umbilical cord stump or soft banding on the ankle. All of this happens seamlessly during the standard procedure for nurses clamping the umbilical cord and caring for the newborn child. The transmitter remains on the infant for the duration of the baby’s hospital stay.

Safe Place Bands and Umbilical

Enterprise Software

SAFE PLACE® Enterprise software integrates infant, pediatric, and elopement management solutions on a single platform. It provides your staff with the ability to connect from anywhere. Staff can then respond to alarms on their mobile devices using a web-based mobile client, an Android or IOS app, or your existing Wi-Fi infrastructure.

Our software is supported by our Quality Dashboard Module. This optional feature offers a comprehensive set of reporting and analytical tools and identifies the true performance of your system and staff. Helping you identify areas of strength and opportunities to improve efficiency.

Touchpad Exit Controllers (TEC)

RFT’s solution triggers an exit’s lock and is used to bypass or silence alarms. LEDs light up its touchpad when pressed and turn off when the device is inactive.

RFT infant security mom and baby

Making sure your babies are in a SAFE PLACE

We are proud to be the first in the industry and know the importance that infant security is for not only parents but for the facilities.